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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Golf instruction...Even the Pros Take Advice

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Golf instruction benefits all golfers, serious and casual, amateur or pro, high or low handicapper. We hope the following can help you. If you have a question, please Contact the Expert.

Putt it right...send the ball home

For most recreational golfers, the techniques to effectively “send the ball home” varies by golfer.

While time has proven that unorthodox approaches can work as well as the orthodox, a fundamental consistent in successful putting is your position over the golf ball. read more about putting...

Hooked on the Hook?

In short, the hook is the nasty first cousin to the slice, darting off to the left instead of the right after the golf ball is hit.

Much like the slice, the reason the golf ball takes an unwanted turn in mid-air with a hook is because of the amount of spin put on the ball during contact, this time counterclockwise. read more about the hook...

Draw to your advantage...

After spending much time learning to manage how you address the ball, developing consistent mechanics and eliminating the dreaded slice and occasional hook, you're feeling pretty good about your golf game.

Then it happens! Someone tells you about the advantages of the draw. You listen intently and learn that a draw shot is a shot that makes the ball curve slightly to the right before returning with a slight curve to the left. read more about the draw...

Don't Slice...

Notice how that perfectly hit shot lands perfectly on the next fairway over to the right? That's your slice.

A breakdown in mechanics and improper club length can have an impact on the way we drive the ball down the fairway. But, often, the culprit is our eyes.
read more about the slice...

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